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[프로그래밍] 각종 난수 발생 함수 링크

일반적으로 사용하는 rand() 는 uniform한 난수를 발생시킨다.

normal distribution이나 exponential distribution ... 등이 필요하면 아래 사이트에서 참고하여 작성하면 되겠다.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

#include <math.h>



//Note: float variables are used. If you want to generate integer variables, just change the

//return type of the function and all other types which are related to the result...

float Constant(float mean);

float Uniform(float mean);

float Exponential(float mean);

int   Poisson(float mean);

float Pareto(float alpha);

float Normal(float mean, float stdev);

int    Geometric(float p);

float Weibull(float scale, float shape);

float Erlang(int scale, float shape);


void main(void)


            float mean;


            //Seed is the parameter of srand (the random number generator function of C).

            //srand takes an integer as a parameter. If this integer is the same,

            //then each time the program is exucuted, the same random numbers

            //will be generated. In order to avoid this, we put the current time as the parameter of

            //the srand function.

            int seed = time(NULL);


            //Initiate the random number generator. The initiation must be done outside the generation

            //functions, and usually is done only once.



            printf("Give Mean Value:");



            printf("\nConstant: %f\n",Constant(mean));

            printf("Uniform: %f\n",Uniform(mean));

            printf("Exponential: %f\n",Exponential(mean));

            printf("Poisson: %d\n",Poisson(mean));

            printf("\nMore results can be added for other functions too...\n\n");




float Constant (float mean)


            return mean;




float Uniform(float mean)


            //Generate a random number between 0 and 1.

            //REMEMBER: Always cast the oparands of a division to float, or truncation will be performed.

            float R;

            R = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX+1);


            return  2*mean*R;




float Exponential(float mean)


            //Generate a random number between 0 and 1.

            //REMEMBER: Always cast the oparands of a division to float, or truncation will be performed.

            float R;

            R = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX+1);


            //Put it as a parameter to the inverse distribution function.

            return  -mean*log(R);




int Poisson(float mean) //Special technique required: Box-Muller method...


            float R;

            float sum = 0;

            int i;


            float z;


            while(sum <=mean)



                        R = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX+1);

                        z = -log(R);

                        sum+= z;



            return i;




float Pareto(float alpha)



            float R;

            R = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX+1);

            return (float)1/(float)(pow(R,(float)1/alpha));




float Normal(float mean, float stdev)



            float R1;

            R1 = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX+1);

            float R2;

            R2 = (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX+1);

            return mean + stdev*cos(2*3.14*R1)*sqrt(-log(R2));




int Geometric(float p)


            float R;

            R= (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX+1);

            return (int)(log(R)/log(1-p) - 1);




float Weibull(float scale, float shape)


            float R;

            R= (float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX+1);

            return scale*pow(-log(R),(float)1/shape);




float Erlang(int scale, float shape)          //Special technique required...


            float R=1;

            int i;

            for (i=1;i<=scale;i++)

                        R = R*((float)rand()/(float)(RAND_MAX+1));

            return -shape*log(R);
